Regret is the underlying theme of this monologue. We can tell this through the way Andrew reflects upon the experience for example ''I tortured the poor kid'', ''to think I was cool''. This shows that he is feeling empathy for Larry Lester and feels truly awful about it and thinks the reason he did it is embarrassing. We can also sense his humiliation through his use of taboo language and repetition. The quote ''and the humiliation, the fucking humiliation'' displays the use of expletives to display his frustration with himself and the repetition emphasises the impact of the humiliation and just how much Larry must have felt at the time.
We can also sense his remorse as he is willing to make sacrifices to undo what he did or escape the situation. He says ''I wish my knee would give in'' so that his father would 'forget all about'' him. This shows that the issue is more deep routed than what you may assume and that he is blaming himself as well as his father.
Andrew's speech features tag questions and repetition. This highlights his insecurity and need to be reassured by others in the group. 'you know', 'right?' and 'you guys know' are all examples of this and are repeated throughout the monologue. These features (according to Lackoff's deficit theory) are typically used by women in speech but since Andrew is young this may be why we see these techniques. They typically symbolise lack of courage or leadership and since he is young and naïve, this profile seems to fit.