Monday, 27 February 2017


In text H, Amelia informs her family and friends about her trip to Thailand and what she has been up to so far.  In terms of form, the text is an email written with non-standard grammar and using colloquial language.  Metaphorical slang phrases such as 'crack me up' feature throughout the email and serve the purpose of creating an informal tone which Amelia's family and friends will appreciate as it feels as though a casual conversation with her - which they have missed out on since she has been away.  Traits like these are typical of Amelia's idiolect and will remind her family of her personality which it's likely they're missing.  Whilst bearing this in mind, Amelia also hedges any negative comments in her email by following them up with a positive.  For example, she initially describes the children in the streets as ''trying to sell you shit just to get a couple dollars out of you'' but she then says that they are actually ''really sweet and friendly''.  This attempt of mitigation signifies that she is keeping her parents in her mind at all times as she understands that they will be worried about her.  

An explanation for the non-standard grammar, such as a lack of capitalization, is likely to be that she is writing from an internet cafe where you pay for approximately 30 minutes on a computer.  This means she didn't have time to proof read the email and grammar check.  However, as the audience for the text are only family members and friends it's unlikely that they will be worried about punctuation and will care more about the contents of the email. 

Amelia also uses spoken linguistic techniques such as paralinguistics and capitalising words which would be stressed when spoken.  This could be another characteristic of her idiolect which she feels is important and needs reflecting but it could also be due to the story-telling aspect of the email and that she knows it will be read aloud to her family.  By acting as a raconteur she knows that she must be entertaining and not come across as bragging and simply listing off what she has encountered on her journey.