Babbling 24-36 weeks
Repetitive CV patterns
Holophrastic 36 - 72 weeks
Single open-class words or word stems
Two-word-stage 72 - 96 weeks
Mini-sentences with simple semantic relations
Telegraphic 96 - 120 weeks
Telegraphic sentence structures rather than functional
Post-telegraphic 120+ weeks
Grammatical or functional structures
Stage 1: variations of crying soumds, coughing rhythmically, spluttering etc.
(0-8 weeks)
Stage 2: cooing and laughing, musical noises, often diphthongs that are syllable equivalents
(8-20 weeks)
Stage 3: vocal play consisting of longer sounds
(20-30 weeks)
Stage 4: babbling, mamamamama, babababababa, replicating monosyllables
(25-50 weeks)
Stage 5: melodic utterances, more rhythm and tone
(9-18 months)
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